With the increasing number of education options abroad, the demands of students to study abroad have also increased. The decision to study abroad is one of the decisions people make once or at most twice in their lifetime. Upon these decisions, both financial and moral investments are made by families and students, and there is often no chance of returning from these decisions. Therefore, a student who decides to study abroad must carry out all the processes in the presence of a specialist consultant.
The first step after the decision to study abroad is to decide in which field, at what level and in which city/country. When deciding on the education to be taken, the most suitable alternatives for the student’s career goals, abilities and budget should be determined and the choice should be made accordingly. It is obvious that the choices made on the Internet or through hearsay usually result in frustration. Instead, it is necessary to identify alternatives and manage the decision-making process in the presence of expert consultants who have been in many different countries and have received training from many different schools.
After determining the schools to which the application will be made, it is very important to prepare a regular application file and to make timely applications. Many people either start the process too late or fail because they research the school application procedures incorrectly or incompletely. For this reason, it is essential to get service from a consultancy firm that is expert in the subject during the application process for an education program abroad.
After the school acceptance, applying for a visa and obtaining the visa is another important step. The documents and evaluation criteria requested by the consulates of each country for visa applications may be different from each other. In case of a visa application with missing or incorrect documents, visa refusal is received and all plans may be turned upside down. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out this process with a visa consultant who knows the consulate of the country to which the application will be made.
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